Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Your password can change your life

๐Ÿ˜Š *Your password can change your life.* 

*How a Password Changed a Life - A true story* from the Reader’s Digest ...

*He was having an average  morning until he sat down in front of my office computer. “your password has expired”, a server message flashed on his screen, with instructions for changing it...*

*In his company they have to change passwords every month as a precaution.*
He was deeply depressed after his recent divorce. Disbelief over what she had done to him was what he thought all day long ....

Just then he remembered a tip he had heard from his former boss. 

*He’d said, “I’m going to use a password that is going to change my life”.*

He couldn’t focus on getting things done in his current mood.. his  password reminded him that he shouldn’t let himself be a victim of his recent breakup and that he was strong enough to do something about it.

He made his password – *Forgive@her* .. he had to type this password several times every day, each time his computer would lock. Each time he came back from lunch he wrote ‘forgive @ her’.. 
The simple but mandatory action changed the way he looked at his ex-wife.. That constant reminder of reconciliation led him to accept the way things happened and helped him deal with his depression.. 
By the time the server prompted him to change his password the following month, he felt free.

*The next time he had to change his password, he thought about the next thing that he had to get done.* His new password - *Quit@smoking4ever*. 
It motivated him to follow his goal and he was able to quit smoking.

One month later, his password became *Save4trip@europe*, and in three months time he was able to visit Europe.

*Reminders helped him materialize his goals and kept  him motivated and excited,* it's sometimes difficult to come up with your next goal.. 

*Keeping at it passwords brings great results.*

After a few months his password was -
*lifeis#beautiful* !!! Life  going to change again...

*Moral of the Story*

*Your internal talks matter what you tell yourself. It conditions you to think in that direction and you are able to witness realtime RESULTS.*

Stay fit ๐Ÿšถ๐Ÿฟ‍♂and healthy๐Ÿƒ‍♂

*Dear Friends, this concept is really true,  it actually WORKS*.
*See for yourself and Change Your Password Now and Use a Constructive Goal to be achieved.*

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